All Youth Group Games

Doggy Doggy Where Is Your Bone 🦴

A guessing game to find the bone.

Prop for a bone
0 to 4 5 to 10
Group Size
6 - 15 16 - 30
Quick and Easy
0 - 5
The group stands in a circle. One person is chosen as the dog. The dog closes their eyes and someone from the circle is pointed at (by the facilitator) to be the stealer. The stealer takes the bone from the blind dog, and says in a disguised voice \'Doggy Doggy Wheres Your Bone\'. Then they return to the circle. The facilitator then tells the dog to open their eyes. Everyone else stands with their hands behind their back and the dog has to guess which person took the bone. Once they guess, the person who stole the bone becomes the dog.
Compiled & designed specifically for you by Jon VerLee