All Youth Group Games

Kung Fu 🥷

Kung Fu battle with swift movements

11 to 14 15 to 17 18+
Group Size
2 - 5
Circle Indoor Quick and Easy Elimination
0 - 5 6 - 10
Players stand in a circle with both their hands in the middle. Everyone says "Kung FU!" and then strikes a kung fu pose.

One person starts, and they have one movement to try and hit anyone in the circle's hand. Once they've made that one movement, they cannot move again unless it's their turn or someone attacks them. If someone attacks you, you're allowed one movement to avoid them hitting your hand. If your hand is hit, you're out. Move around the circle clockwise.
If you fall, you're out. You can use your turn to reset yourself if you're in an unstable kung fu position. You are allowed to move your feet, however, it has to be in one movement.
The faster this game moves, the more fun it is.
This game can be played inside, outside, with very few or a lot of people. It's great when you have a few minutes you need to kill.
Compiled & designed specifically for you by Jon VerLee