All Youth Group Games

Newspaper Game 🗞️

Students must find answers in the newspaper

Each team gets 1 newspaper, 1 pen, and a few pieces of paper.
11 to 14 15 to 17
Group Size
6 - 15 16 - 30 31 - 59 60+
11 - 15 16 - 30
Before the group the leader goes through the newspaper and makes up questions that can be answered by reading the newspaper.

(Example: what is the projected low temperature in New York today?)

As play begins the teams (~10 people) spread the pages of the newspapers amongst themselves. The leader then asks a question and the each student searches through the page or pages of the newspaper that he or she has. When the answer is found they write the answer down and the first team to put the correct answer in the leaders hand wins a point.

Tip: Make one question from each page of the newspaper.
Compiled & designed specifically for you by Jon VerLee