Encourage each other through back scratches in response to a characteristic
11 to 1415 to 1718+
Group Size
6 - 1516 - 3031 - 59
Team BuildingIndoorQuick and Easy
11 - 1516 - 30
Players find a comfortable area and spread out on the floor, laying on their stomaches, face down, eyes closed. The facilitator walks around and taps 6 or 7 people who stand up.
The facilitator then reads a characteristic such as "good listener" or "leader". The people who are standing up then walk around the room and scratch the backs of all the people they think match that characteristic. The facilitator goes through around 10 or 12 characteristics.
The facilitator then has the scratchers lay back down with their eyes closed and the facilitator chooses 6 or 7 different people to stand up and it repeats until everyone has had a chance to stand.
Compiled & designed specifically for you by Jon VerLee