Blindfolded person has to accomplish tasks. Team can't talk.
One blindfold and Random objects relating to task
11 to 1415 to 1718+
Group Size
6 - 1516 - 30
Team BuildingField
11 - 1516 - 30
There are three main groups for this game: 1) The blindfolded person 2) The team spokesman 3) The team
The blindfolded person has a selected task is put on a field.
The team spokesman faces away from the field and is not allowed to turn around to look at the field.
The team stands in front of the spokesman, looking at the field, but the team is not allowed to talk.
Through motions the team must try to get the spokesman (who can't see the field) to yell to the blindfolded person and explain what to do.
The facilitator has previously set up some task (i.e. go pick up a ball, bring it to a bucket, and put it in) and has told the team what the blindfolded person needs to accomplish.
Compiled & designed specifically for you by Jon VerLee