A murder mystery game which involves walking around in the dark.
Deck of cards
15 to 1718+
Group Size
6 - 1516 - 30
16 - 3031 - 60
All players are given one card. Make sure only two cards are kings. Players do not show their cards to anyone but themselves. Players then put the cards back in a pile. Those that drew the kings know they are the killers - those that did not are civilians.
Players walk around a dark house at night (darker the better). A killer kills people by squeezing their shoulder. The squeezed person then falls to the ground silently and lies there.
When someone comes across a dead body, they yell "Body Body!" and everyone comes to that place and the lights go on.
Everyone then votes to decide who they think the killer is (based on where people were/are in the house). Whoever gets the most votes is eliminated. The dead person and the person voted off both sit in a designated area (the graveyard).
This continues until only the killer(s) are left or the killers are successfully voted off.
Compiled & designed specifically for you by Jon VerLee