A free-for-all version of dodgeball using only one ball
One dodgeball
18+15 to 1711 to 14
Group Size
16 - 306 - 152 - 5
Quick and EasyHigh EnergyGymElimination
6 - 100 - 5
First establish a set of boundaries, preferably in in a large circle about 20 yards in diameter. To start the game, the single dodgeball is thrown in the air and allowed to bounce three times. After the third bounce anyone is allowed to grab the ball. Within the boundaries, the player with the ball can only take three steps. From there the player must throw the ball at another player. If they are hit and do not catch the ball, they are eliminated and must leave the playing field. If they catch the throw, the thrower is out. Once a player is eliminated, all of the players they previously eliminated are back in the game. The only way to win is to eliminate every player in the game without going out.
- If the game is taking too long, make getting out permanent
- Create teams of 3 for team dynamics
- Include multiple balls if game has higher number of people
Compiled & designed specifically for you by Jon VerLee