A memory game in which each gender tries to get their gender on the couch.
Paper, pens, and couch (optional)
15 to 1718+
Group Size
16 - 30
16 - 30
The purpose of the game is to get everyone from your gender in the four seats on the couch (or position on the floor).
Players sit in a circle. One chair, or spot, in the circle should be open.
Have everyone write their name on a piece of paper. Collect the papers and pass them out again so that everyone has a paper with someone elses' name on it. Players should not show anyone who they have.
The player to the left of the open spot says someone's name. Whoever is holding onto the paper with that name must get up and move to the open spot. Then the player who moved must trade papers with the person who called the name.
The player sitting to the left of the new open spot then says the next name and the process continues.
By memorizing who has what name and what the names are of those on the couch, players try to get their gender to occupy all four seats on the couch. When when gender does this successfully, they win.
Compiled & designed specifically for you by Jon VerLee