3 players act scene on stage, audience member yells freeze and swaps spots.
None (props are optional)
15 to 1718+
Group Size
16 - 3031 - 5960+
DramaIndoorQuick and Easy
16 - 3031 - 60
3 players start by acting out an event. At any point, an audience member can yell "freeze" and the actors must freeze where they are.
That audience member then comes on stage, taps the shoulder of the person to swap with, and the audience member then becomes an actor, assuming their role.
The new member must be the first one to talk and must change the scene in some way.
(Example: Three people are acting out a football game. An audience member yells freeze, takes the place of the person throwing the football, and then starts the scene as if she is about to throw the flowers at a wedding.)
Compiled & designed specifically for you by Jon VerLee