Football with a greased watermelon in shallow water.
Swimming area, watermelon, Crisco, two baskets
11 to 1415 to 1718+
Group Size
6 - 1516 - 30
High EnergyWater
31 - 6060+
Take a watermelon and put Crisco on it until it is nice and slippery. In about 4 feet of water, place two buckets 100 feet apart or so. Weight the buckets to the bottom with rocks.
Divide the players into two equal teams. The goal of the game is to get the watermelon into the opposing team's bucket. Players try to grab it and move through the water with it while other players try to tackle them/rip the watermelon away. The team that scores the most points in the given time period wins.
It can be helpful to have an extra watermelon (or 2 or 3) just in case it breaks.
Some helpful rules are: -No holding anyone under water (FACILITATORS WATCH TO MAKE SURE NO ONE IS DROWNING OR GETS KNOCKED UNCONSCIOUS IN THE WATER) -No biting/scratching/kicking -No going in less than 3 feet of water (watermelon can break easier when out of water)
Compiled & designed specifically for you by Jon VerLee