Players learn each others' names by "shooting" other players.
5 to 1011 to 1415 to 1718+
Group Size
6 - 1516 - 30
CircleIndoorNameQuick and EasyEliminationIce Breakers
6 - 1011 - 15
Players stand in a circle. A facilitator calls out one of the name of someone in the circle.
The person who gets called tries to duck quickly. The two people on either side of him or her turn towards that person and make a shooting motion and sound.
If the person fails to duck in time, they get shot and are eliminated from the circle. If they do duck in time, whichever of the two shooters shot last is out (as the "bullet" would have gone over the ducked persons head and hit them).
In the end, two people remain. Rock Paper Scissors or the game "Star Wars" can be a good way to resolve this.
Compiled & designed specifically for you by Jon VerLee