An elimination game involving eye contact and screaming.
11 to 1415 to 1718+
Group Size
2 - 56 - 15
CircleIndoorQuick and EasyEliminationIce Breakers
0 - 56 - 10
Players stand in a circle, all with their heads looking down. The facilitator yells "look up".
All players look up at someone else (they cannot change who they are looking at after they look up).
If two people happen to be looking at each other (i.e. make eye contact), they both have to scream. Whoever screams last is eliminated from the circle. If someone screams when they are not making eye contact with anyone, they are also eliminated.
The facilitator then says "look down" and everyone looks down. The facilitator then says "look up" and the process continues. The game continues until there are only two players left.
When there are only two people left, rock paper scissors or the game "Star Wars" can help pick a winner.
Compiled & designed specifically for you by Jon VerLee