A creative and tasty variation of capture the flag.
Two buckets, string, facepaint, and a few bags of MMs.
5 to 1011 to 1415 to 1718+
Group Size
16 - 3031 - 59
High EnergyTagField
31 - 6060+
Like in capture the flag, teams are divided into two groups on two sides of a playing area. Some sort of identifiable boundary is down the middle, separating the two sides. (It is often helpful to have facepaint for the teams).
In the back of each team's side there is a bucket with a string placed in a circle around it. The string should have a diameter of about 10 feet.
Each player is given an MM at the start of the game. The goal for the player is to place their MM in the opposing team's bucket. The string around the bucket marks the safe zone which if a player gets to, they are safe. The player must get to the opposing team's bucket without being tagged.
Players may only be tagged if they are on the opposing team's territory. If the player gets tagged by a member of the opposing team, they must give their MM to the person who tagged them and that person must eat it. The player who was tagged and lost their MM must return to the boundary line in the middle where there is a facilitator with the bag of MMs. The facilitator gives that player a new MM and the player continues playing.
At the end of the game, whichever team managed to get more MMs into the opposing team's bucket wins.
Compiled & designed specifically for you by Jon VerLee