Players in a circle, making quick one-motion moves to slap others' hands.
11 to 1415 to 17
Group Size
6 - 15
CircleIndoorQuick and EasyEliminationTag
0 - 56 - 1011 - 15
Players stand in a circle. Players take turns, going around the circle.
The player who is up can make one quick motion in order to slap the hand of another player. The motion must last not much more than 1 second. The player freezes in the position he or she ends in.
The player being assaulted must try, also with one quick move, to evade being hand-slapped. This move must also last not much more than 1 second and the player then freezes in whatever position he or she ends in.
If a players' hand is slapped, they are eliminated from the circle. If a players' move is not swift and quick, they are eliminated from the circle.
Optional: Players are eliminated if they try to evade an attack when the attacker was really attacking someone else.
Compiled & designed specifically for you by Jon VerLee