Players try to guess the route by stepping on a square in the maze.
5 to 1011 to 1415 to 1718+
Group Size
2 - 56 - 1516 - 30
CircleTeam BuildingIndoorQuick and Easy
11 - 1516 - 30
The leader gathers a bunch of paper and lays them out in a grid on the floor (5 x 5, 8 x 8, etc - the larger the more difficult).
The leader then takes another piece of paper which the players never see and draws a representation of the grid on the paper. The leader then draws a route that is the correct way through the paper maze.
The leader then asks all the players to circle up around the grid on the floor. After explaining the object of the game, the leader says that there are two rules. First, that no one may talk. Second, that the only word the leader may say is no.
A player the leader selects starts and begins by stepping onto one of the papers on the perimeter of the grid. If the player stepped on the same piece of paper that the leader marked as the start, the leader remains silent and the player has a chance to take another step. If the player steps on one of the papers that is not the starting page, the leader says no and the player returns, and the next player in the circle gets up.
Players slowly, with guessing, make their way through the maze, having to remember the path that the previous players took. Players continue going one after another from around the circle until the maze has been solved.
Compiled & designed specifically for you by Jon VerLee