Players alternate between writing and drawing, watching a message change.
Pens and paper.
15 to 1718+
Group Size
6 - 15
CircleTeam BuildingIndoor
11 - 1516 - 30
1) Each player receives a stack of papers. Each stack of papers should contain the number of sheets for how many people are playing (i.e. if 6 people are playing, each person should have 6 pieces of paper for a total of 36 sheets altogether).
2) The facilitator instructs players to put a small number on the bottom right of each sheet in incremental order (first sheet has a 1, second sheet a 2, and so on...). Then the players stack their own sheets so that 1 is on top and the highest number is on the bottom.
3) The facilitator says go and every player writes a message on the 1st sheet. The message can be whatever desires.
4) After 1 minute, the facilitator says switch and all the players slide their entire stack, with the message on top, to the right. The receiving player takes the stack, reads the message, and then puts the message on the back of the stack. The player then, on the 2nd card, proceeds to draw a picture representing the message the first player wrote.
5) After 1 minute, the facilitator says switch and players again slide their entire stack to the right, this time with the number 2 card (drawing) on top. The receiving player looks at the drawing, puts it in the back of the stack, and writes a message about what the drawing was.
6) The facilitator continues saying "switch" every 1 minute with players alternating from writing to drawing and back to writing and so on.
7) When the stacks of paper are all used, the players should slide the stack to their right one final time and the originator of the stack should now have their own stack.
8) Players may read through the stacks, laughing at the modifications their original sentence took as it passed through multiple pictures and multiple interpretations of those pictures.
Compiled & designed specifically for you by Jon VerLee