Teams break off into groups, taking pictures of things for points.
Digital camera
11 to 1415 to 1718+
Group Size
16 - 3031 - 5960+
Team BuildingHigh Energy
31 - 6060+
Group divides into teams. Facilitator gives a list of items to each team and sets a time for all the teams to be back at the meeting location. Whoever gets the most pictures (or points, see below) wins.
Some helpful and fun rules are:
1) Team must stay together 2) 50 points deducted for every minute a the team is late in returning - use cell phone time so everyone has the same time 3) Give each team an object they must carry wherever they go and include in each picture - such as a pool noodle, animal costume, etc 4) Give each item a certain number of points - more points for more difficult objects.
Feel free to come up with your own list. If you are looking for ideas, here are some fun items to include:
Team crossing street duckling style (100) Team forming a human pyramid (100) Team with yellow car (200) A $0.50 gas receipt (200) Team with stued animal (200) Team on a swing set/pushing swingers (250) Team walking dog (250) Team pushing teammate in wheel barrow (250) Team with sculpture (300) Team with a manaquin (300) Teammate playing a video game in store, team huddled around pointing at screen (300) Teeter-Totter with 4 teammates on it (300) Team with a cow (300) Team with live chicken (350) Team in elevator (350) Team by large body of water (350) Team in a boat (350) Team doing YMCA in front of YMCA (400) Team on re truck (400) Stranger holding paper with your team name on it (500) Team hugging a stranger (550) Team on zamboni (600) Team member shaking police ocer’s hand (600) Teammate juggling while strangers applaud (600) Recreate a disney scene in a public area (600) Team wearing burger king crowns with burger king employee also wearing crown (600) Teammate giving cashier monopoly money (650) Stranger giving piggy-back-ride to teammate (700)
Compiled & designed specifically for you by Jon VerLee