Guys form huddle. Girls try to rip guys out of huddle within specified time
11 to 14
Group Size
16 - 3031 - 59
Team BuildingIndoorHigh EnergyQuick and EasyElimination
6 - 10
Guys form a tight huddle/pile with arms around each other. Girls are then given a specified amount of time (around 3 minutes) to try and disconnect guys from the huddle. If a guy becomes disconnected from the group, he is out.
The guys win if 2 or more guys are still connected at the end of the time limit. The girls win if all the guys have become disconnected before the clock runs out.
Helpful to clarify no scratching, biting, etc.
Also know your group. If there are sexual issues or PDA issues, this may not be the best game. For the right group however, it\\\'s a blast.
Compiled & designed specifically for you by Jon VerLee