Two 65mm exercise balls, boundary marker (tape, paint, etc.)
5 to 1011 to 1415 to 1718+
Group Size
2 - 5
IndoorHigh EnergyElimination
6 - 10
PREP: Create a circle around 12-15 feet in diameter, with two lines inside for starting positions.
GAME: Two people enter the ring, are handed exercise balls, and go to their positions. They bow, and then the game starts. The game ends when one person touches the ground with anything but their feet, or when any part of their body touches the ground outside the ring.
RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: - Sumo balls can be swung, pushed, or otherwise manipulated with a large degree of freedom. - Charging is allowed. - Hands may be used to attempt to dislodge the opponent's ball. - Tripping is allowed, as long as feet stay on the ground. - If a player loses control of their ball, it must be caught before it touches the ground, or they lose the round.
Games are best two out of three.
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Ring size may vary, but keep it small. This cuts down on injuries from charging, keeps the energy level up, and the games short.
Compiled & designed specifically for you by Jon VerLee